File uploaded:
Orig name:
Temp name:

No file uploaded, using : /var/www/samp/VI0072_05.CAL
Extracting parameters from posting form
Found type=
Found i,j,k=,,
Running /var/www/samp/
HOST is voplus
This is with FILE_PDS=/var/www/samp/VI0072_05.CAL TYPE=/var/www/tmp/test_www.fits I= J= K= FILE_FITS=
IDL Version 8.5 (linux x86_64 m64). (c) 2015, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc., a subsidiary of Harris Corporation.
Unable to create directory: /var/www/.idl
Permission denied
Installation number: 500817.
Licensed for use by: Observatoire de Meudon

% Compiled module: PDSTOFITS.

% Syntax error.

You can now visualize the file here