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WebSampConnector+FITS Demonstrator


Help This is a demonstrator that shows the usage of the WebSampConnector and a FITS applet to load a data cube from this web page into a locally running Aladin, then load the individual spectra of the cube into SPLAT or VO-Spec by clicking on the pixels of the data cube.
Help To run this demo you need to use Firefox (only) and Java 6. If you need help setting up Java 6 see the troubleshooting page
Help Note: This demo will use the following data cube:
Note: Default debug level: Change to:
0. Choose the PDS file to be processed and click on Process:
Process with GDL
This will open a popup window with the results of the processing.

1. Start the VO applications
  • Click on the above icons to start Aladin then SPLAT or VO-Spec:
    Aladin Java: Download aladin.jnlp SPLAT: Download splat.jnlp VO-Spec: Download VO-Spec.jnlp
2. Check that the Aladin SAMP hub is started (antenna on the bottom right). If not start the Aladin HUB in menu Interop/Connect with SAMP