Java 6
In order to run the demonstrator, you need to run Firefox with Java 6.
If using a Mac you need to have at least MacOS 10.5 Leopard installed: MacOS 10.6 Snow Leopard has Java 6 by default. If using MacOS
10.5 Leopard, you need to do a software update: see
this page
Temporary directory
The demo needs a temporary directory to store files. On Unix and MacOS, /tmp
is used. On Windows, the user needs to create the directory C:\tmp first if
it does not exist.
Java Policy
UPDATE: With version 8 of the applet we have a solution for that so the following is no longer needed!
If you experience problems where the spectrum is always the same and you
see messages in the java console saying that the spectrum file cannot be
created, that's a bug: the java applet can create the first
spectrum file, but when called via JavaScript, it cannot do it anymore.
The workaround is to create a $HOME/.java.policy file containing the
following lines:
grant codeBase "" {
In case of problem
send us an email
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demonstrator page.