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WebSampConnector+FITS Demonstrator

Help This is a demonstrator that shows the usage of the WebSampConnector and a FITS applet to load a data cube from this web page into a locally running Aladin, then load the individual spectra of the cube into SPLAT or VO-Spec by clicking on the pixels of the data cube.
1. Start the VO applications
  • Click on the above icons to start Aladin then SPLAT or VO-Spec:
    Aladin Java: Download aladin.jnlp SPLAT: Download splat.jnlp VO-Spec: Download VO-Spec.jnlp
2. Check that the Aladin SAMP hub is started (antenna on the bottom right). If not start the Aladin HUB in menu Interop/Connect with SAMP