APERICubes Astronomical and Planetary Ergonomic Research Interface for Cubes * NOTE: the demo.php file should be here but it's in directory js9 because of the design of JS9 client/server handling of data files (access to images... must be the same from the client and the node.js server) * Installation of JS9 1.2 on mac2-rs Done 2015-03 - On mac2-rs as user In Eclipse create project js9 (after renaming old project js9 -> js9-beta13) $ ln -s $HOME/workspace/js9 /Library/WebServer/Documents/js9 $ cd /Users/user/repos/0-SOFTS/Astro/js9-1.2 $ ./configure --with-webdir=/Library/WebServer/Documents/js9 --with-funtools=/usr/local --with-png=/opt/local --with-helper=nodejs $ make $ sudo make install * Copy of JS9 for Apericubes - On mac2-rs as user using Eclipse, copy the contents of js9 to Apericubes/js9 EXCEPT DIRECTORIES - fits - png and EXCEPT FILES - .project * SVN Configuration Done 2015-01-08 - Initial import to https://voparis-svn.obspm.fr/apericube unchecking js9/fits js9/png and tmp - Commit - Added to svn ignore: js9/fits js9/png and tmp - Commit * SVN co and installation on prod server voplus - On voplus in /var/www as rsavalle: $ sudo mkdir apericubes $ sudo chown rsavalle apericubes $ svn co https://voparis-svn.obspm.fr/apericube/html . # subsequent updates with: svn update $ mkdir /var/www/apericubes/js9/fits $ sudo chown www-data /var/www/apericubes/js9/fits $ sudo chmod 777 /var/www/apericubes/js9/fits $ mkdir /var/www/apericubes/js9/png $ sudo chown www-data /var/www/apericubes/js9/png $ sudo chmod 777 /var/www/apericubes/js9/png $ mkdir /var/www/apericubes/tmp $ sudo chown www-data /var/www/apericubes/tmp $ sudo chmod 777 /var/www/apericubes/tmp * Installation of funtools on voplus (prerequisite of JS9) $ cd /home/rsavalle/local/repos/funtools-1.4.4 $ ./configure --prefix=/usr # /usr/local is mounted readonly on voplus ! $ make $ sudo make install * Installation of JS9 on voplus cf http://js9.si.edu/js9/help/install.html NB: this will install fits2png etc. $ cd /home/rsavalle/local/repos/js9-beta13 $ # Option --with-helper=nodejs seems to be mandatory for JS9 v 1.2 $ ./configure --with-webdir=/var/www/js9 -with-funtools=/usr --prefix=/usr # /usr/local is mounted readonly on voplus ! $ make * Installation of node.js on voplus - On voplus as rsavalle: $ sudo curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup | sudo bash - $ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs