This page will soon contain all the science-ready (i.e. fully reduced) data (CFHT Megacam and
HST WFPC2 imagery, VLT Flames/Giraffe spectroscopy), used in the
following papers:
- "Discovery of a new M 32-like "Compact Elliptical" galaxy in the halo of the Abell 496 cD galaxy" by Chilingarian, I.; Cayatte, V.; Chemin, L.; Durret, F.; Lagan, T. F.; Adami, C.; Slezak, E., 2007, A&A, v.466, L21
- "Kinematics and Stellar Populations of Low-Luminosity Early-type Galaxies in the Abell 496 Cluster" by Chilingarian, I.; Cayatte, V.; Durret, F.; Adami, C.; Balkowski, C.; Chemin, L.; T. F. Lagana; P. Prugniel, A&A, submitted
Updated: May/1/2008
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